At the very center of everything we are and do; you’d find life-long learning. We find, as we continue to work with impact entrepreneurs and non-profit professionals; that at least half of the challenges they face in their organizations are linked to knowledge they do not have. A key reason is that change-makers assume wrongly that a passion to make a difference is all they need.
We also believe that many bright visionaries take too long to start off their good work, because of unanswered questions, unclarified thoughts and unclear perspectives around legal structure, business models, funding approaches, vision crafting, attracting staff or finding partners.
Our Social Innovation School offers a robust Curriculum of courses across the development sector and non-profit management spectrum, delivered by social entrepreneurs, business owners, NGO leaders and international development experts.
At the Social Innovation School, you do not only learn through the “wide-deep” facilitative style; but more through shared learning, immersive (learn-by-action) orientation as well as personal introspection. Learn more about our Courses and Programs.
Join our 25,000+ global change makers community working across education, healthcare, gender advocacy and 14 other areas.
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Website by BeeTcore.
© 2024 Ideation Hub Africa.